# International Foundation of
Neuroscience & Brain Technology®
Meet the Officers who created:
#Combined #Intelligence #Association®
#International #Foundation of #Neuroscience & #Brain #Technology®,
The Benefits of #Combined #Intelligence #Association® ;
Part of the
#Princess #Leia #Lucas® #Foundations,
Trusts, Media, Brain Science, PL Lucas Education®
Updated August 2023 ***WHO AND WHAT WE ARE***
Note: there are about 15 pages of writing herein.
*** #IFNBT® can be described as a non-traditional, private and #global #Board devoted to specific objectives. Our groups include collaborations between diverse types of practitioners, professionals, #researchers and #scientists, yet all assist the #workings of the #brain, (e.g. #social #neuroscience, #neurology, #genetics, #psychology, #theoretical sciences...). These assemblages are further conjoined by those possessing technologies that stimulate, respond to, and / or affect processes and performance areas controlled by the brain, (e.g. #electrical #impulses, #magnetism, #atmosphere, #light, #sound, #neurons, #immunity activation, #Limbic system, Vagus Nerve...). In our groups, we confer, combine and associate the #intelligence of various fields of #study with practices that were all formerly dealt with as separate, and managed individually, though they obviously affect each other, usually with clear significance.
***Our purpose and outcomes demonstrate the achievement of common goals for confirmed improvements in human health, immunity, well-being, safety, peak performance and inventive progress for the #benefit of all of #mankind, and especially for those people who've experienced mental trauma related abuse and/or illness. As studies confirmed, at least 1 in 4 children are abused / traumatized and basically everyone who's been in the military/government/combat has suffered ill effects. To this end, we create formal group #objectives, take commensurate #actions, then study complex results integrated across multiple fields. We gather in private for safety and focus in order to: a) #document, #identify, #compare, #affect, and #generate new healing and improved performance equipment and procedures; b) develop new ways of using and amalgamating feedback and modulation, and, c) investigate potential #technology and field #integrations. All of this is focused on, and intended for, the study of #human #brain #frequency #interactions. In plain language, we're helping people #recover and #heal from trauma and illness more effectively, faster, and without major risks, by utilizing #natural brain #functionalities, technologies and responses. Note that this may include infrared light usage today, as applied with the correct processes and procedures, which is called #Brain #Transmissions #Technologies® We're committed to doing this work without allowing: a) people to be hurt, or, b) our information to be used inappropriately. This applies to governments, our clients, their industries, to us, and to humanity as a whole. "Together we are one. The Force is YOU®".
***Unfortunately, societal systems have traditionally limited our ability to learn by asking and testing for one "right answer" to questions and problems that are far too complex for such simplicity. Then, we should be compelled and required to investigate and record: "What made this procedure work, or look "right" under certain circumstances? Is the answer always "right" under all kinds of conditions, for all types of people, at all times? Are there any better processes or other "right" answers? Do these findings result in, or affect other functionality? Does the brain, or body respond with any changes or controls over time? Do the advances alter over time, how and under what conditions?" And so on. The point is, we must set our goals by priority, making them flexible, with the understanding that we can't assume we ever fully know any topic, even if only because time changes our world, along with all of us creatures in it.
Without diverse and continuous questioning, synthesizing and data amalgamations, plus long term study, including of any conflicting results, the learning process becomes stilted. This prevents improved insights capable of generating progress. Also, human brains do not just operate alone, and must be studied as
they relate and compare to others. In the human brain and psyche, a lack of thinking and responsiveness can lead to compartmentalization, loss of focus, dissociation, emotional denials, premature aging and even frozen, childhood mental states. Today's scientists around the world understand that it's normal for the brain to jump to, and examine opposite extremes of a question or issue. This gives us multiple and often contrasting and paradoxical responses - at the same time. Such responses may be from a combination of thoughts, emotions, memory, personal experience, research, contexts and more. As such, there are major sources of learning that may not always, or even ever agree with one another, whether for many people in a group, or even for the same person. Then, we learn by examination, experiment, communication, and syllogistic reasoning, (if___ is true, then _______ would be true...). Then we can identify core results that make logical sense the majority of the time. And, it's not unusual to also be lead to results reaching various different types of conclusions in other environments, conditions, time frames... Through examination we may discover that we need to ask entirely different types of questions depending upon the field of study and its goals. In other words, when it comes to real life, unless we're only referring to simple math or spelling questions, there may not be only one definitive, "right answer" for all situations, or into perpetuity. Life, people, planets, situations our responses can be constantly changing. If we keep using the same answers out of habit, we've lost the ability to learn or progress. And, conversely, if we keep questioning everything and use multiple responses to avoid taking action, then we've also lost the ability to learn or progress. Welcome to dichotomy. The point is for each of us to determine our own correct balance when utilizing our human capacities. All people need to collect information, ask questions, take action, gather feedback and evaluating responses. Now the issue becomes how to share all of this with other brains, in order to provide advancement for mankind. It's both a focused, and a fully ubiquitous issue. Welcome to the human condition.
***A complication of the stressed state resulting from the need to over-focus for the sake of performance, is the potential price of losing association and focus in other areas. That is, we may create added focus by filtering, blocking and compartmentalizing the full breath of our varied responses normally associated with particular experiences. Thus, at times we may be encouraged to over-focus in certain areas, and dissociate in others, so we don't notice some related circumstances. In time, this can lead to a lack of fully comprehending both the topics, and ourselves. Over time, this type of dissociation or a Post-Traumatic-Stress response can prevent us from bonding fully with other people. Therefore, the obvious possible "correction" for many related issues would logically be to reopen as many of our cut-off thinking, memory and response patterns and brain neural networks as possible, while bonding with safe and caring people. This could result in regaining lost associations, or developing new ones to process and gain from. Therefore, certain types of brain stimulation can become an effective resource. And, we can thus learn about ourselves, how we feel, respond, act and think. Then we study the commensurate actions, responses and relations of others, in part, to further know ourselves. As John Dunne stated profoundly, "No man is an island".
***Certain members of #society and organizations, (such as government, covert ops), may have had access to major portions of related intelligence and capabilities for many years. However, such knowledge would have remained hidden, including from educational environments, thus losing its usability for civilization. Maybe such mandates were created for defensive needs, ("disinformation"), fears, or concerns of competition. However, the work of #IFNBT is to correct such limits, thus allowing our society to #evolve, together.
***We, as a society, do not yet know the full power or workings of some 90 billion brain #cells, per single brain/person, or the frequencies and brain #waves we can send through a variety of #wired and #wireless #technology environments (i.e. #cloud, #hyper-cloud). We believe there are several (sound and light) frequencies from each brain at a time when communicating with others, though we can't yet measure many of them. Our brains may be able to #communicate with #receptors, and even be used as a sustainable power source, such as with #equipment, (e.g. robots, Artificial Intelligence, AI). The waves or brain transmissions travel long distances in the atmosphere, and can generate new activity. What's valuable to #IFNBT® is that brains appear capable of producing positive cell and #neuron #responses and positive changes in people which may escalate over time when stimulated correctly. This can be done to assist peak performance, and / or to repair or replace a variety of human #mental and #medical #functionalities and / or brain processes that have degraded. And, we may be able to measure and demonstrate the critically profound returns of such advancements. Even though certain industries, (e.g. drug companies), may not immediately welcome such changes, the potential revenue returns, costs savings, effectiveness, and fast mass production capacities should win them over. Stimulating our brains correctly can activate immunity in our bodies, instead of using vaccines that infect us, force antibodies and create over-reaction in the body.
*** Doing the same work, or using the same health care procedures over and over again is not progress. And, healing isn't complete, both physical or mental, if only done to the point that an #illness or #incapacity is overcome, altered or corrected. On the contrary. It is by studying the #results and changes caused by #recovery that we can learn what caused a problem and how to prevent it. And, the answer can be slightly different or personalized for each person. Now, #progress means creating new #collaborations, #solutions and #innovations. Once a crisis / trauma has receded, then we have the ability and resources to start asking questions such as, "What caused this? What was my body / brain trying to correct with the symptoms, and why? How and why did it develop? What has taken it's place? How do I know what will last? How else am I changed? Do others perceive me differently? Why or why not? What can I now achieve, on my own, and / or within groups, with any new capacity, knowledge or talent that wasn't available to me before? How do I / we #proliferate the new usages? Are there #risks, and how can they be #circumvented, or overcome? "
***In other words, the #future of many types of #recovery and #medicine will depend on #individualization of #treatments, along with integration of services, including between people. And, this can be accomplished en mass, for example, by having trained users employ #pre-programmed, #smart #analytic #resources and devices. This process now creates another arena of Combined Intelligence Association® from which to generate new kinds and levels of healing, and progress. Then, old content and methods can take on a whole new meaning, such as the words, "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow", (and thank you, Fleetwood Mac).
The #investigative work of IFNBT® includes #evaluation of #human #reciprocated #communications, how such #interactions occur, the responding #categories of #brain #activities, their #patterns, #correlated #behaviors, and the resulting effectiveness of applied functions and processes. But, how can we determine and record all of this? #Traditional #neuroscience #assessments rely on #measuring electrical impulses in the brain as the after-effects of brain activity, rather than evaluating the transmissions or activities themselves. These activities transpire without the input of another brain, which may significantly alter results. Therefore, #IFNBT® does not rely on classic forms of brain measurement, known as: a) functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (fMRI), b) magnetoencephalography, (MEG), or, c) electroencephalography, (EEG). (Note: these machines contain natural minerals, and rely on atmospheric conditions.)
***Rather, our people, meetings, interactions, research, studies, collections, #training, #databases, #articles, events and more, all endeavor to study the actual passage or flow of brain transmissions themselves, and their frequencies, as they travel back and forth during human interactions. Furthermore, our work focuses on: a) identifying the #brain #connections themselves, b) their strength and conditional framework, c) when, where and how they intercept, d) the types of resulting bond/s, and, e) what #categories of reactions and responses #habitually occur in each #participant or #partner, and, f) in which #structure #environment do they progress the strongest. Thus, our studies of brain #induced #reciprocation require further identifying: #chemical, #thinking, #emotional and activity / behavioral reactions of people, first, as reported by them, then, as compared with information identified in each segment.
***IFNBT® strategies then continue with our ability to compare, a) classifications of initial stimulus and response patterns, versus, b) those patterns learned over time, versus, c) changes and results from the application of new types of specific stimuli - between, and from people. Upon completion of our volume studies, IFNBT® intends to determine: a) consistent patterns that appear repeatable, b) under what optimal conditions they may apply, c) what interrupts the same transmission / response patterns, d) how individual brains respond to such blockages, and e) what happens when blockages are then removed.
***Yes, these are more than vast undertakings, certainly. And yet, the data collections of our foundations have already allowed us to reach significant and repeatable conclusions, many times over. In addition, there is already an unusual abundance of information discernible from combining major historical records of the many existing, untapped, and private resources already available. All such chronicled information can then be re-interpreted with far greater understanding and precision. This, then, allows us to distinguish the full implications of such findings across multiple fields of knowledge and industries, as planned. Our work with these efforts has been advancing well due to the dedication of many strong and committed people. And, we will always look forward to germinating intelligence from as many new contributors and resources as humanly, (and artificially) possible.
***Unlike other scientific organizations, IFNBT® goals include the necessity to #provide overviews of #complex #findings in #simple, easy-to-understand terms. Our intention is to avoid former #language and #nomenclature #barriers that have actually prevented meaningful sharing and extrapolation of information in the past, (meaning the ability to reach usable conclusions). This is particularly true when working across industries and fields. How we do this, and the extraordinary findings we've uncovered, are critical to our private work. However, I can share that I recovered from trauma, replete with some new skills, and I know thousands of others like me. Better yet, there are many millions more of us throughout the U.S. and world. It's their stories we need to study, and record.
***One purpose of our approach is to help initiate recovery methods for organized systems that have become too controlling - over themselves, and all of us, while preventing the use of critical information. When and how did the major goal of any service or business become to make money? These systems only preserve themselves, and their jurisdiction, but, they may be unknowingly causing harm. And, such negative activities can then take the place of actually caring for the people such authorities were created to serve. No organization of mankind is intended to come before its people. And, no people of mankind are intended to do harm. As so many industries and systems have taught us by example, it is only by working together that we can ever achieve our full capacity and potential for aiding one another. Ironically, and contrary to many teachings, history itself has shown us, over and over, that competition does not create healthy environments, either by perception, or actuality. For example, if we all pursued the interests most meaningful to us, then helped, bartered, traded and provided introductions to enough people to get our needs met, we would have little need for money, or the mass production systems that provide it. Again, "No man is an island", (John Dunne), or is intended to be. This is why the motto of all Princess Leia Lucas® Foundations / Trusts is: "Together we are one. The Force is YOU."©
***Based on the results of IFNBT® studies, so far, we've developed training and certification for CSNP®, or Certified Social Neuroscience Practitioner®, as a source of positive behavioral changes and responses. The intention is to assist redeveloping brain patterns after trauma that compensate for, and allow recovery of functionality. We've recorded positive results, over and over again.
***Our private Board of Directors and group/s may include a variety of practitioners, experts, and survivors in fields such as: frequency transmissions, technology integration, cloud and web environments, Artificial Intelligence, wired and wireless technologies, virtual reality, search engines, libraries, psychology, human development, traditional neurosciences, mental and medical health fields, neurology, genetics, digital representations, test and measurement equipment, software and analytics, education and training, media services, and of course, those who have recovered from trauma, illnesses, and more. Want to join us? Upon acceptance from a formal application process, officers and participants are provided with access to our: people, private information, research and projects, databases, meetings, events, training, activities, partners, licensing, certifications, and more.
***Wherever there are people who believe in, and support one another, there are people who are healing. ***THANK YOU, for seeing and hearing us.
***The website and all of it's contents are under Protected Digital Producer® copyrights and registrations,
2010-2035, of the Princess Leia Lucas® Foundations / Trusts, all rights reserved, (for all of us!).